How to sync data online... Step by step
From the "Settings" menu under "Database settings" category click on the "Sync data online" option.
At any time you can stop syncing data by deactivating this option.
Please note that disabling this option will also disable your access to the website (no share, no peek).

In order to start syncing data you must agree with the terms.
You can check the information sent by activating the "Log synced data to file" option.
After agreeing, your unique netId key will be generated and copied to the clipboard.
This key is necessary in order to associate the uploaded data to your online account.
Tap the link open

Setup your account proving a valid username and password finally pasting the netId code into the corresponding text box.
After verifying your email you should now be able to login.
You should be presented with your profile page.
Fill Country, Time Zone and preferred units with appropriate values.
Then read "terms, conditions and privacy policy" and explictly agree by checking the corresponding box.
Tap "Update Profile" and all is set.
